Merve Akdeniz was born in 1997 in Antalya. In 2020, she received her BSc. in chemistry as an honour student at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara. In February 2023, Merve completed her MSc. in chemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin. During her master thesis, she joined the group of Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel, where she worked on photochemical cross-linking of proteins with RNAs. Between March 2021-April 2022, she pursued an Erasmus internship in the group of Prof. Dr. Morten P. Meldal at the University of Copenhagen, where they worked closely for the site-selective and stable Albumin bioconjugation methods. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Timothy Noël, developing protein modification methods and organic synthesis in continuous-flow chemistry.
E-mail: m.akdeniz@uva.nl