Maksim Ošeka studied biotechnology and applied chemistry in Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. He joined the Professor Tõnis Kanger research group as an undergraduate student in 2009 and successfully completed his PhD in 2017. Maksim’s research in the group was mainly focused on the development of new asymmetric organocatalyzed reactions and mechanistic studies. As part of his master’s studies, Maksim undertook an Erasmus placement at Oslo University, Norway, working with Prof. Lise-Lotte Gundersen and as a visiting PhD student he joined the Melchiorre group at ICIQ, Spain, where he participated in the development of a novel photocatalytic enantioselective alkylation reaction. After obtaining doctoral degree, Maksim worked in the Dr. Dzmitry Kananovich group as a young researcher. Previously, Maksim was a postdoctoral researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology and works on the C-H amination in flow under the supervision of associate Prof. Timothy Noël.