Olly was born in Christchurch, New Zealand. He later moved to Wellington to study Biomedical Science (2017) at Victoria University of Wellington, followed by a master’s degree in Drug Development (2019) under the supervision of A. Prof. Joanne Harvey and A. Prof. Paul Teesdale-Spittle. His Masters research focused on the “Synthesis of Novel Pyran Fragments to Incorporate into Peloruside Analogues”. After this, Olly moved to Auckland to work at the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre (ACSRC) to generate lead compounds for pre-clinical trials. In March 2020 he then moved to the United Kingdom to pursue a PhD at The University of Bristol under the supervision of Dr. Beatrice Collins. His research focused on the “Development of A New Class of Molecular Machine: Light-Fuelled Single-Bond Rotors”. After successfully defending his PhD thesis in October 2023, he moved to Amsterdam (NL) to start a postdoc under Prof. Dr. ing. Timothy Noël and Dr. Andrea Gargano. His current work focuses on the development of automated analysis of flow reactions for closed-loop reaction optimisation.
E-mail: o.m.bayley@uva.nl