Morgan Regnier is a French chemist who earned his B.Sc. in general Chemistry from the ENSCM and gained experience through various academic and industrial placements. He briefly researched ecocatalysis under the supervision of Claude Grison in Chimeco (CNRS), developed micellar-mediated cross-couplings at Novartis A.G. to then investigate peptide-membrane interactions through NMR and computational studies as a visiting scholar at Helsinki University. Finally, he obtained his M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from the ENSCM with a thesis on solvent synthesis for the AO-process optimization at Solvay S.A. From April 2023 onwards, he will be working as a PhD candidate in the Noël Research Group within the MSCA-ITN for microprocess engineering for electrosynthesis (MiEl).
E-mail: m.l.g.regnier@uva.nl