Miguel Claros Casielles was born in Gijón (Asturias, Spain) and raised in a small village, Cangas del Narcea, in the south-west of the same region in the north of Spain. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in organometallic chemistry at the University of Oviedo under the supervision of Prof. Pilar Gamasa. In 2016 he moved to Tarragona (Spain) to enroll in the URV-PhD programme under the supervision of Dr. Alicia Casitas and Prof. Julio Lloret at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ). His thesis focused in the development of new methodologies for the light promoted activation of long-sought inert moieties such as the Csp3−X bonds and the study of the mechanism of such photocatalytic transformation. In 2020, he defended his doctoral thesis, which has been recognized with the Summa Cum Laude mark. Time later, at the early 2021, he moved to Valladolid, in the center of Spain, as postdoctoral researcher to work in a wide range of different topics and to get started in the field of university teaching. Among them, the development of new photocatalytic methodologies (such as the Cu-catalyzed coupling of fluoroarenes from carboxylic acids), the mechanistic study of the arylation of [FeCpX(CO)2] complexes or the supported catalysis and polymer chemistry fields with palladium-based microporous organic polymers (Pd-POPs). Very early 2023, he enrolled in the Noël Research Group as postdoctoral researcher where he will be part of the RoboChem and Photo2Fuel teams.
E-mail: m.claroscasielles@uva.nl