Méritxell Fillols was born in Perpignan, France, in 1998. In 2018, she earned a technical degree in chemistry from the University Institute of Technology Montpellier–Sète. During this period she performed a 3-month internship at Chalmers University of Technology under the guidance of Prof. Kasper Moth-Poulsen, where her work centered on exploring norbornadiene-quadricyclane systems for solar thermal fuel applications. Subsequently, she obtained her B.Sc in materials chemistry in 2020 from the University of Montpellier. Following this achievement, she worked for a year as a phytosanitary chemical analyst at the Phytocontrol laboratory. In 2022, she commenced her first year of M.Sc. in materials chemistry at the University of Montpellier. There, she performed a 3-month master’s project supervised by the DOR Olivier Dautel at ICG Montpellier (CNRS), working on the synthesis of benzothiophene derivates used as organic field-effect transistors. For her second year of M.Sc., she transitioned to the University of Paris–Saclay to pursue a specialization in organic chemistry. During this time, she joined the Noël Research Group, where she undertook her master’s thesis under the guidance of Dr. Nikolaos Kaplaneris, working on the photochemical late-stage arylation of dehydroalanine-containing peptides in flow. Upon completing her M.Sc. degree, Méritxell rejoined the Noël Research Group as a Ph.D. candidate, contributing to the development of photochemical processes.
E-mail: m.a.b.fillols@uva.nl