Mattia Lepori, was born in 1998 in Pescia (Tuscany, Italy) and received his M.Sc. (cum laude) in Organic Chemistry at the University of Pisa in 2022. During his M.Sc., he worked on new cyclopentannulation strategies for the stereo-controlled synthesis of the isoprostanoids core under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Mandoli. In late 2022, he joined the group of Prof. Joshua P. Barham at the University of Regensburg as a Ph.D candidate of the Elite Network of Bavaria’s International Doctoral College ‘Chemical Catalysis with Photonic or Electric Energy Input”, where he investigates electro- and/or photochemical approaches for the synthesis of pharmaceutical and bioactive cores. For his Ph.D. visiting period he joined Prof. Noël’s group, where he will deal with the development of electro- and/or photochemical transformations in continuous flow reactors.
E-mail: m.lepori@uva.nl