Matteo Gasparetto was born in 1996 in Crespino, a small town near Venice (Italy). He graduated in 2020 in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at University of Padova, where he did his master thesis work in Prof. Giovanni Marzaro’s Lab. After graduation he worked for 5 months as a research fellow in the same group, focusing on the synthesis of florescent probes and complex molecules for targeted therapy. In November 2021 he joined Comminex (then X-Chem Zrt.) in Budapest where he worked for three years as Early-Stage Researcher within the PhotoReAct ITN under the supervision of Dr. Gellért Sipos. During these three years he also joined the X-Chem Inc. site in Waltham (MA), where he worked with DNA-tagged compounds and DNA-encoded library chemistry, and then he improved his understanding of mechanistic investigations in a collaboration with Prof. Paola Ceroni at University of Bologna. From November 2024 onwards, he joined Prof. Timothy Noël group at University of Amsterdam to complete his Ph.D. studies working on photocatalytic HAT transformations.
E-mail: m.gasparetto@uva.nl