Junsong Liu

Junsong Liu

Junsong Liu was born and raised in Sichuan, the hometown of panda and spicy hotpot. In 2023, he obtained B.Sc. Chemistry degree from RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany. For his bachelor thesis, he worked in Professor Daniele Leonori’s lab, investigating photoredox and nickel dual-catalysed cross-electrophile coupling. After graduating, Junsong continued his studies in Aachen for Master degree. During his rotational program, he returned to Professor Daniele Leonori’s lab for working on the dihydroxylation of olefins using nitroarenes as photoresponsive oxidants. He has now moved to Amsterdam to join the NRG for his second research rotation.

E-mail: junsong.liu@rwth-aachen.de

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