Jonas Djossou was born in 1997 in Wuppertal (Germany) and completed his chemistry Bachelor’s in 2020 with a project on photoredox-catalytic Giese reactions under supervision of Adrián Gómez-Suárez at the University of Wuppertal. After that, he picked up an industrial internship in medicinal chemistry with Bayer in Wuppertal, focusing on the microwave- and electricity-mediated synthesis of novel heterocyclic scaffolds. In 2020, he switched to the Technical University of Munich for his master studies in chemistry. During an exchange semester in 2021, he joined the Lundberg research group at KTH Stockholm to work on electro-reductive C-C cross coupling reactions. In 2022 he finished his Master’s under guidance of Thorsten Bach with a project on photochemical radical cyclizations via HAT. Currently, he is a PhD student in the Noël research group, within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Curie ITN GreenDigiPharma.
E-mail: j.djossou@uva.nl