Francesca Arrighi was born in 1996 in Rome and took her degree in Pharmacy in January 2021 from “La Sapienza Università di Roma” with an experimental thesis in Medicinal Chemistry. After a 4 months Industrial Scholarship with Professor Silvio Massimo Lavagna she started her PhD in Molecular Design under the supervision of Professor Daniela Secci in the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Drugs (always at “La Sapienza”) in November 2021. Her project is focused on the design, synthesis and development of new hMaos inhibitors and in the meantime on the design and synthesis of new nicotinamide derivatives active against melanoma and non melanoma skin cancer.
Francesca is currently visiting the NRG group where she is exploring C-H functionalization by thiathrenation in Photoredox Catalysis.
E-mail: f.arrighi@uva.nl