In the last decades we have witnessed the discovery of several new methods to construct molecules. As organic chemistry moves forward, so does the need to implement technologies to support the establishment of such synthetic protocols as well as the development of new methodologies.
The first edition of the Enabling Technologies for Organic Chemistry (ETOC) Symposium took place on February 24-25, 2022 in a fully digital setting and counted 486 attendees. It brought scientists from all over the world together to share their knowledge in the field of organic chemistry and technology utilization. The program was designed to attract both researchers from academia and industry and was developed around different crucial topics, such as photoredox catalysis, electrochemistry, machine learning and biocatalysis, among others.
Given the success of this symposium, we are planning to schedule a second edition for next year. Stay tuned for updates!
PS: Below you can find the slides of the speakers who decided to share them with us.
PPS: Unfortunately, we could not record the symposium because some of the speakers presented unpublished results. Thus, we will not be able to provide a recorded version of ETOC. We apologize for the inconvenience.