Cassian Desmons is a Belgian chemistry student, born in 2002 and raised in the countryside near Liège, Belgium. In 2023, he obtained a BSc. in Chemistry from the University of Liège (ULg). He is currently pursuing a MSc. in Chemistry, during which he had the opportunity to conduct his master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Christophe Monbaliu in the CiTOS (Center for Integrated Technology and Organic Synthesis) research group, part of the MolSYS research unit at ULg. His thesis focused on organic chemistry in continuous flow supported by the application of computational tools (DFT). In 2025, Cassian joined the Noël Research Group (NRG) as part of his master’s program. During this internship, he will explore the C(sp³)-C(sp³) bond formation via photocatalyzed chemistry.
E-mail: c.r.desmons@uva.nl