Anne-Fay de Jong was born in 2001 and grew up in Loenersloot, a small town close to Amsterdam. In 2023, she obtained her BSc. degree in Chemistry from the University of Amsterdam and de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Joint Degree). She completed her thesis named “Exploring High Molecular Weight Glycolic Acid Rich Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) Copolymers Synthesis Routes” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gert-Jan Gruter as part of the Industrial Sustainable Chemistry group of HIMS and Avantium. In her final year, she became full-time secretary of the study association of chemistry students in Amsterdam, Amsterdams Chemisch Dispuut. In 2023, she started her MSc. program in Chemistry at the same universities in the track of Molecular Sciences. As of January 2025, she has joined the Noël Research Group for her final research rotation.
E-mail: anne-fay.dejong@student.uva.nl