Alberto Luridiana received his BSc (Material Science) and Master (Chemistry) degrees from the University of Cagliari (Italy) in 2014 and 2017, respectively. By a post-lauream research internship at the Physics Department, he worked on organic luminescent materials for optical devices under the supervision of Professor Pier Carlo Ricci. Founded by an ERASMUS grant, he did his master internship at Paris Sud University (FR) in the group of Peptidomimetic Chemistry, Photochemistry, Alternative Processes under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Boddaert. By a postgraduate traineeship, he joined the Synthetic Methodology Research Group of the University of Cagliari where in 2017 he started his doctoral studies focused on the development of innovative synthetic methodologies under the supervision of Professor Francesco Secci (Funded by POR FSE). Recently, as a visiting PGR student at the University of Manchester, he worked on the development of a photochemical dehydrogenative strategy for aniline synthesis under the supervision of Professor Daniele Leonori. After Alberto received his doctoral degree with honours in 2021, he joined the Noël Research Group at the University of Amsterdam in September 2021 where he is working on TBADT chemistry.