Brian Driessen

Brian Driessen

Brian Driessen was born in 1989 in the Southern Province of Limburg. He was raised in the village of Hoensbroek and went to high school at the Sint-Janscollege in Hoensbroek. He did his high school research project (profielwerkstuk) at the DSM Research Centre on the Chemelot Campus in Geleen. Brian obtained his Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at the TU/e in 2013. His thesis was carried out on “The impact of Novel Process Windows on the Claisen rearrangement” under supervision of Dr. T. Noël & Prof. Dr. Volker Hessel. The results of his research were published in Tetrahedron. Currently he is a M.Sc student in the field of Chemical and Process Technology at the TU/e. He is pursuing his master thesis at the department Micro Flow Chemistry and Process Technology on “Metal-Free Photocatalytic Aerobic Oxidation of Thiols to Disulfides in Batch and Continuous-Flow” under the supervision of Dr. Timothy Noel. Parts of his research were published in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis.


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