Tom Masson received both his MSc and chemical engineering degrees from the Haute-Alsace University and the National Engineer school of Mulhouse (France). During the first year of his MSc degree, he collaborated with Prof. Matthias Wymann at the University of Basel (Switzerland), working on the synthesis of lipid kinase inhibitors as anti-cancer agents. Between the first and the second year of his MSc he worked for Servier laboratories in Budapest (Hungary) on the synthesis of protein inhibitors as anti-cancer agents under the supervision of Dr. Szabo Zoltan. For his MSc thesis Tom conducted work at Idorsia pharmaceuticals in Basel (Switzerland) on the synthesis of new scaffolds to overcome immune suppression in cancer treatment under the supervision of Dr. Diethelm Stefan. He then collaborated with Dr. Villé Gianvito at Idorsia pharmaceuticals on the implementation of new methods of synthesis. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student at the UvA working on heterogeneous photocatalysis in flow using concentrated light for the FlowPhotoChem project under the supervision of Prof. Timothy Noël.
E-mail: t.m.masson@uva.nl