Stefano Bonciolini was born in 1994 in San Miniato, a small village in the Tuscan countryside (Italy). He received both his B.Sc. (2017) and his M.Sc. (2019) in Organic Chemistry with cum laude at the University of Pisa. During his M.Sc. thesis, he worked on asymmetric α-amination reactions promoted by chiral organocatalysts of 3-substituted 2-oxindole compounds under the supervision of Dr. Alessandro Mandoli. After receiving the Master degree, he joined Dr. Marcus Baumann’s group at the UCD (Dublin, Ireland) as an Erasmus student for 5 months. There, he carried out research on photocatalytic HAT transformations in continuous flow. From February 2021 onwards, he is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Prof. Timothy Noël. His Ph.D. is part of the Marie S. Curie ITN network PhotoReAct and will deal with the development of electrochemical and photochemical transformations in microflow reactors.
E-mail: S.Bonciolini@uva.nl