Natan Padoin studied chemical engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, BR), completing his Master’s (2013) and Ph.D. (2016) degrees in chemical engineering at the same institution (with an internship at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal) in the field of mathematical modeling and CFD simulation of multiphase flow, involving heat and mass transfer, and microfluidic reactors, under supervision of Prof. Cíntia Soares. Currently, Natan is an adjunct professor at the Department of Chemical and Food Engineering of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, carrying out his research as a permanent professor at UFSC’s Chemical Engineering Graduate Program (CAPES level 7/7 – international excellence program), within the Laboratory of Materials and Scientific Computing (LabMAC), in the main fields of process systems engineering (PSE) and chemical reactors, with a focus on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), multiphase reactive flow (chemical reactor design, heat and mass transfer, etc.), microfluidics and nanotechnology. Natan previously moved to the Eindhoven University of Technology (NL) as a guest professor at Prof. Noël’s group, conducting research in the field of numerical simulation of reactive multiphase flow involving electrochemistry and photon transport.
E-mail: Natan.Padoin@ufsc.br