Damiano Diprima was born in 1995 in Cittadella a small town in the Veneto countryside (Italy). He received both his B.Sc (2017) and his master (2020) in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Padova. During his M.Sc. thesis, he worked on continuous flow sulfoxidation: optimization and study of the reaction via design of experiments under the supervision of Prof. Tommaso Carofiglio. From October 2021 onwards, he is a Ph.D. candidate with the University of Amsterdam performing his research at Ecosynth under the supervision of Koen Van Aken. His Ph.D. is part of the Marie S. Curie ITN network PhotoReAct and will deal with the Scale-up of multiphasic photochemical transformations, development of economic and ecological assessment tools and design of a photo-retrosynthetic analysis system.
E-mail: ddiprima@ecosynth.be